Monday, February 14, 2005

Ben's balloon

Ben explained to Andrea about his balloon:

"Sometimes the camels take a bite of the balloon.
This balloon has a purple string and it is black and grey with an apple
on it. Isn't it cool Baby Evan?"

Valentine's Day

Tonight Andrea gave me a card that Ben helped her write.
He explain his drawings.

He points to the little circle he drew and says:

"This is a kite."

then he points to the scribbled lines and says:

"This is words. It says 'I love you very much Daddy. A lot! A lot!'".

The latest sayings

Ben likes to ask "are we going tomoyo next week?"

The other morning Ben and I had this exchange:

Ben - "Daddy, do you need socks?"
Scott - "Yes, Benny, can you get me some socks?"
Ben - "Ok... hold the phone!"

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Banner day!

This afternoon Benny put himself to bed! After school he went to his room to read books while mommy fed Evan. But the time Andrea got to his room, Ben had tucked himself into bed any fallen asleep! Let's hope it's a trend!